SAB-Carrier W 135.1000 TL

The SAB-Carrier system consists of specially manufactured sandwich panels with increased foam adhesion and thicker steel outer sheets, a (rail) fastening system and SAB (Design) profiles. The steel outer sheet of the SAB-Carrier system is preferably provided with a durable coating in Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra or Colorcoat Prisma for the best protection. In addition to steel profiles, other materials such as aluminum or composite are also possible as a curtain wall.

TypeLiningThicknessWeight*UMax. Length**
 TL   mmkg/m2W/m2Km
SAB-Carrier W 135.1000o   13514,20,1718,0 

* Weight with steel exterior and interior skins with gauges of  respectively 0.50 and 0.40 mm
** This is the recommended maximum length, longer lengths may be available on request

Popular colours Colorcoat Prisma
Orion (RAL 9007)
Sirius (RAL 9006)
Alaska Grey-RAL 7000
Anthracite-RAL 7016
(0,50-0,63-0,75 mm)
Black-RAL 9005
(0,63-0,75 mm)
Cream-RAL 1015
Hamlet-RAL 9002
(0,50-0,63-0,75 mm)
Oyster-RAL 7035
(0,63-0,75 mm)
Sargasso-RAL 5003 (0,63 mm)
Slate Grey-RAL 7012
(0,63-0,75 mm)
White-RAL 9010
(0,50-0,63-0,75 mm)
Seren Copper
Popular colours Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra
Anthracite (7016)
Black (9005)
Goosewing Grey(7038)
Hamlet-RAL 9002
(0,5 – 0,63 – 0,75 mm)
Raven (7021)
Reseda Green (6011)
Additional warranty conditions for SAB-Carrier panels

SAB-Profiel only gives a guarantee on SAB-Carrier sandwich panels when the installation of the entire system of sandwich panels and wall profiles has been calculated and approved by SAB-Profiel. To do this, submit the following information to SAB profiel:

Façade drawings, including details

Fixing plan of the panels, the linear intermediate construction (e.g. SAB rail system) and the outer cladding

Conditioning of the supporting structure (chosen coating systems, ventilated cavity)

Wind loads and specified consequence class with regard to the facade.

Partly for this reason, there are no standard tables for the application of SAB-Carrier panels. SAB-profiel is happy to help you with the right advice, so that the system can receive a 10-year performance guarantee. Mail to or call the Product Services department +31 (0) 30 68 79 790.


Houd bij het kiezen van sandwichpanelen rekening met bijvoorbeeld de belasting, CC klasse en doorbuigingseisen. Raadpleeg voor technische informatie over PIR, gevel- of dakpanelen het Technisch Handboek van SAB-profiel of bel met de afdeling Product Services (+31 (0) 30 68 79 700).

  • Beschermfolie: Alle sandwichpanelen worden standaard geleverd met een beschermfolie op de buitenplaat. Wens je extra bescherming, bestel de folie op de binnenplaat dan als optie.
  • De SAB-Carrier sandwichpanelen herken je aan het gele dichtbandpapier.
  • In verband met de garantie levert SAB-profiel bij gevelpanelen SAB-Carrier altijd een berekening van het gehele systeem mee.
  • Kijk voor pakketstapelingen in de pdf bij Downloads.